Age Longevity

It is stated in the Warsaw Gazette, that a shepherd named Demetrius Grabowsky, died a short time since at Potorski, on the frontiers of Lithuania, at the great age of 169 years. Jenkins, the oldest man on record in England, lived exactly as long as the Polish shepherd. Old Parr reached 152 years. It is said that Grabowsky has left a son who is now 120 years old. A female died lately in Poland aged 124. Joseph Ram, a negro, affords the most extraordinary recent instance of longevity, next to Grabowsky ; he died at the age of 146.

Sir John Sinclair, in his ‘Code of Health and Longevity,” has stated that all of a great number of very old persons, whom he questioned, were alike only in two particulars they were descended from parents of good constitutions, and they were early risers. Another fact may be stated, to which there are few exceptions: nearly all the. well-affirmed instances of longevity have been among persons, who have lived and died poor.






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